Academic Staff Development & Career

Academic Staff Development & Career

Supporting researchers in different career phases is a central task of the University of Rostock. The University of Rostock offers researchers in every career phase an attractive environment with a variety of support services. The specific development goals of the University of Rostock ("expansion of interdisciplinarity", " fostering internationality") are included as priorities in the Academic Staff Development and thus also in the support of early-career researchers in the qualification phase.

The focus of support for rearly-career researchers is on expanding competences in the three competence areas of subject and methodological competence (innovation, research and knowledge transfer, teaching and learning), leadership and management competence, and personal and social competence. Various actors at the University of Rostock offer programmes and services for this purpose that serve the comprehensive development of personality. In addition to competence enhancement, the support of researchers in early career phases aims at a transparent presentation of possible career paths within and outside the university.

The University of Rostock is aware of its responsibility towards researchers and is constantly working to adapt their support to changing conditions and requirements in the fields of science and business.