Department for Diversity

The Department for Diversity (former Coordination Office for Diversity and Equal Opportunities) was established in October 2018. It is the central point for gender- and diversity- issues at the University of Rostock. It is structurally resident in  the Rectorate of the Pro-Rector for Internationalisation, Gender and Diversity Management, apl. Prof. Meike Klettke, and is headed by RD Andreas Tesche. It supports the strategic development of the university in the fields of diversity management, welcome culture, inclusion and accessibility, health management, family friendliness and gender equality. Likewise, for the targeted promotion of women scientists, the projects KarriereWegeMentoring and Women Professors Program II are located in the Department.

We regard ourselves as a source of ideas for the improvement of working- and studyconditions at the University of Rostock. The goal of the Department is to implement and connect areas and projects in all fields of activity as well as to establish a comprehensive diversity management for the University of Rostock.

Team Diversity of the University of Rostock
vl.t.r.: Ariane Sennewald, Paul Freitag, Birgit Kosicki, Ivette Döring, Dr. Uta Buttkewitz, Dr. Stefanie Westermark, Lucia Weiberg, Karolin Hansen, Prof. Meike Klettke, Andreas Tesche, Anja Rosin. not pictured: Annette Meier.

Contact us!

We are happy to support you in organizing events, develop short workshops based on your needs and problems, or advise you on various training and awareness-raising offers.


Preparation of accessible documents and files from the Office package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF)

As part of the "Inclusive University" project, an online course for creating accessible documents was created. This web tutorial offers you the opportunity to check your own teaching materials for accessibility, to make them accessible and to learn various techniques.

More information can be found here and in the Diversity Toolbox (both in german language).

Conference “5 Years - We Can Do It” - History, Fears, Hopes and Perspectives of Refugee Work in Rostock (postponed until March 2021)

“Germany is a strong country. The motive with which we approach these things must be: We have accomplished so many things - we can do it!” When Angela Merkel spoke these words at the federal press conferenceon August 31st in 2015, she had no idea that this would be her most controversial saying ever - still dividing the country politically and socially. Some considered “We can do it” as the core motto of a new German welcome culture, others saw it as a careless trivialization of a complex problem and almost as an invitation to thousands of Syrians and Afghans to make their way to Germany.
1.3 million refugees came to the Federal Republic in the “Refugee Year” 2015. In September and October, at the height of the so-called "refugee crisis", the Hanseatic city of Rostock hosted around 26,000 refugees. In an impressive demonstration of civil society engagement, a large number of Rostock citizens - many of them students - worked tirelessly and around the clock for the well-being of the refugees in the Hanseatic city. Since the closure of the Balkan route and other measures, the number of refugees has decreased massively in the past two years; Flight and dealing with refugees, however, remain among the most politically sensitive issues and the debates surrounding them are the main reason for the rise of right-wing populism.
Rostock continues to try to send positive signals and was one of the first cities in 2018 to declare itself a "safe haven" to accept refugees rescued from distress at sea. Around 60 German cities have now joined the declaration. The university has created a comprehensive range of services for refugees interested in studying and has included many of them in various courses. However, this should not be a reason for complacency. Half a decade after Merkel's defining slogan, a critical assessment of what has been achieved so far, but also of the challenges that still exist, is required.
What is the current situation of flight and migration? Can the integration of refugees be considered successful or are there still significant deficits? How do the dynamics of right-wing populism, right-wing extremism and right-wing violence relate to the debates about flight and asylum? Which structures have been created in the country, city and university in response to the events and developments since 2015 and to what extent do they require consolidation and further expansion?
These are some of the key issues that the Refugee Conference organized by the Rostock International House will address on June 4-5, 2020. In a dialogue between science, politics and the public, lectures, workshops and a panel discussion will deal with a wide range of practical topics related to working with refugees in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and especially in Rostock. A cultural framework program and a photo exhibition will round off the discussions.

More information about the program and registration can be found here!

Adjust your first name and gender information in Stud.IP und ILIAS

The University of Rostock sees diversity as an opportunity and the realization of equal opportunity as one of its core tasks. It is therefore important to design the study and working conditions so that each person can develop their potential and optimally develop their individuality. In order to counteract discrimination and forced outings, it is possible to have their first name and gender information displayed in the university internal systems Stud.IP and ILIAS according to their supplementary certificate.

You can contact the Pro-Rector of Internationalisation, Gender and Diversity Management for more information.

Feedback form Inclusion

Feedback form Inclusion

Suggestions, requests and specific obstacles can be reported via the contact form in order to make the University of Rostock as barrier-free as possible.




The Diversity Toolbox summarizes information, methods and practical tips for diversity-conscious teaching and administrative processes.



The glossary explains terms related to the topic of diversity in order to convey a basic idea for the university context.

Guidelines for Diversity Management at the University of Rostock

[Translate to English:] Deckbltatt Leitlinien Vielfalt

The diversity of our students, employees and disciplines is an essential prerequisite for innovative research and teaching. Diversity enriches our everyday university life and presents us with challenges. With the guidelines for diversity management at the University of Rostock, we define our basic attitudes towards the members of the University of Rostock and define what we mean by diversity and diversity management. The guidelines were adopted by the Rectorate, the Academic Senate and the Commission for Diversity and Equal Opportunities.

Diversity makes you feel alive

Diversity at the University of Rostock

On the ocasion of the 5th German Diversity Day on May 30th the Coordination Office for Diversity and Equal Opportunities has shot a diversity film.

In April 2009 the University of Rostock signed the Diversity Charter. The University appreciates the importance of the diversity of its University members, who not only bring different life and work experiences, but also enrich life at the university with their knowledge, manifold visions, skills and talents. The University of Rostock is firmly convinced that the diversity of its members opens up opportunities for creative solutions, innovative approaches and developments.


Department for Diversity
Universitätsplatz 1, Room 012 - 015  II   Universitätsplatz 5, Room 205 - 207
18055 Rostock