Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Examination Office
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
18059 Rostock
Maja Kummerow | Tel.: +49 381 498-3003 | pruefamt.aufuni-rostockde
► Examination Office
Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Office of Studies
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
18059 Rostock
Carolin Baumgart & Andrea Braun | Tel.: +49 381 498-3008 | studienbuero.aufuni-rostockde
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Albert-Einstein-Str. 2
18059 Rostock
Anita Björk-Pagel | Tel.: +49 381 498-7004
- Computational Science and Engineering | cse.ief(at)uni-rostock.de
- Computer Science International | csi.ief(at)uni-rostock.de
- Visual Computing | vc.ief(at)uni-rostock.de
Rena Daubner | Tel.: +49 381 498-7005
- Computer Science | in.ief(at)uni-rostock.de
- Business Informatics | win.ief(at)uni-rostock.de
Tina Zorn | Tel.: +49 381 498-7006
- Electrical Engineering | et.ief@uni-rostock.de
- Information Technology/Technical Computer Science | itti.ief@uni-rostock.de
- Electrical Engineering | ee.ief@uni-rostock.de
- Medical Information Technology | mit.ief@uni-rostock.de
► Study office and examination office
Faculty of Law
Ulmenstraße 69 - House 3
18057 Rostock
Study Office:
Susanne Karnstedt | Room 212a | Tel: +49 381 498-8005 | susanne.karnstedt@uni-rostock.de
Examination Office:
Anja Christow | Room 212b | Tel: +49 381 498-8004 | pruefungsamt.juf@uni-rostock.de
Faculty of Mechanical and Marine Engineering
Albert-Einstein-Str. 2
18059 Rostock
Monika Nitz | Tel.: +49 381 498-9004 | studienbuero.mbstuni-rostockde
Anne Jenß | Tel.: +49 381 498-9005 | studienbuero.mbstuni-rostockde
► Study office and examination office
Institute of Physics
Examination Office
Albert-Einstein-Straße 24
18059 Rostock
Katrin Müller | Room 105 (Lecture Hall Building) | Phone:+49 381 498-6703 | pruefungsamt.physikuni-rostockde
Institute of Biology
Albert-Einstein-Str. 3a
18059 Rostock
Annett Nagel | Room 034 | Tel: +49 381 498-6044 | studienbuero.biowissenschaftenuni-rostockde
Institut of Chemistry
Albert-Einstein-Str. 3a
18059 Rostock
Anette Schleicher | Room 033 | Tel.:+49 381 498-6356 | studienbuero.chemieuni-rostockde
Institute of Mathematics
Ulmenstraße 69
18057 Rostock
Sabrina Neumann | Room 135 | Tel.:+49 381 498-6554 | studienbuero.mathematikuni-rostockde
Dean's Office of the University Medical Center
Ernst-Heydemann-Str. 8 (Pediatric and Adolescent Clinic)
18057 Rostock
Biomedicum, Ground Floor
Schillingallee 70d
18057 Rostock
- Medical Biotechnology: Prof. Dr. Burkard Hinz | Tel.: +49 381 494-5770 | burkard.hinzmed.uni-rostockde
& Martina Leibelt | Tel.: +49 381 494-5023 | mbtmed.uni-rostockde - Midwifery Science: Tel.: +49 381 494 7219 | hebammenwissenschaftmed.uni-rostockde
- Intensive care: Tel.: +49 381 494 145049 | intensivpflegemed.uni-rostockde
- Human Medicine: Tel.: +49 381 494-5020 / -5021/ -5013 | studiendekanatmed.uni-rostockde
- Dentistry: Antje Bluhm | Room 59 (Middle wing) | Tel.: +49 381 494-5027 | studiendekanatmed.uni-rostockde
With regard to the state examination: Ms. Meinz | Tel.: +49 385 588 59252
State Examination Office for Health Professions M-V
Friedrich-Engels-Platz 5-8
18055 Rostock
Philosophische Fakultät
Examination Office
August-Bebel-Str. 28, 9. Etage
18055 Rostock
Britt Abromeit | Room 9032 | Tel.: +49 381 498-2598 | britt.abromeituni-rostockde
- Bachelor: English/American Studies; German Studies; Philosophy; Religion in Context
- Master: British and American Transcultural Studies (BATS); Culture-Ecology-Change; German Studies; Philosophy of the Social
Christina Krekow | Room 9031 | Tel.: +49 381 498-2703 | pruefungsamt.phfuni-rostockde
- Bachelor: Educational Science; History; Sports Science
- Master (single-subject): Educational Science; History
- Master (two-subject): Educational Science; History; Sports Science
Anke Mathiszik | Room 9030 | Tel.: +49 381 498-2681 | anke.mathiszikuni-rostockde
- Bachelor: Vocational Education; Communication and Media Studies; French Language, Literature and Culture; Italian Studies Interdisciplinary: Media, Language, Culture; Spanish Language, Literature and Culture; Political Science; Sociology
- Master's (two-subject): Comparative Romance Studies - French, Comparative Romance Studies; Spanish; Communication and Media Studies
Dörte Lugert (Interim) | Room 9029 | Tel.: +49 381 498-2565 | pruefungsamt.phfuni-rostockde
- Master (single-subject): Vocational Education; Vocational Education - Health/Social Affairs; Media Cultures and Media Education
- Master: Special and Inclusive Education
Julia Blumenthal (Interim) | Room 9029 | Tel.: +49 381 498-2565 | pruefungsamt.phfuni-rostockde
- Bachelor: Ancient History; Greek Studies; Classical Archaeology; Latin Studies; Pre- and Early History
- Master (single-subject): Classical Studies; Prehistory and Early History
- Master's (two-subject): Ancient History; Greek Studies; Classical Archaeology; Latin Studies; Pre- and Early History
Faculty of Theology
Examination Office
Universitätsplatz 1
18055 Rostock
Julia Blumenthal | Room 306 | Tel.: +49 381 498-8454 | prüfungsverwaltung.thf@uni-rostock.de
(The partial degree program “Religion in Context” (B.A.) is administered by the Examination Office of the Faculty of Humanities)
Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences
Study and Examination Office
Ulmenstraße 69, House 1
18057 Rostock
Dipl.-Hdl. Katja May-Glöckner | Room 127 | Tel.: +49 381 498 4004 | pruefungsamt.wsfuni-rostockde
Central Examination Board for Teaching Professions (ZPA)
Visiting address:
Parkstr. 6, Ground floor left, Room 10
18057 Rostock
Ann-Kathrin Schmidt | Tel.: +49 381 498-1349 | zpauni-rostockde
Carolin Oberländer | Tel.: +49 381 498-1348 | zpauni-rostockde
Sindy Götze | Tel.: +49 381 498-1341 | zpauni-rostockde
Teacher Examination Office (Rostock)
Hermannstraße 35
18055 Rostock
State Examination Office for Health Professions M-V
Friedrich-Engels-Platz 5-8
18055 Rostock
Phone: +49 385 588 59003