International Service Portal, Welcoming Culture and Diversity

“The University of Rostock offers a host of services that are targeted at international students, academics and refugees at the University of Rostock. By offering these services, we would like to reinforce the welcoming culture at our university. On this page, you will find the services offered by various institutions and initiatives at the University of Rostock. These are aimed at promoting the networking of international and German students and scientists and intercultural cooperation; as such, they actively form our understanding of diversity. We would like to encourage you to actively participate in our events and to take advantage of the various forms of support that is on offer. This should ensure that our university, together with the City of Rostock, remains a cosmopolitan venue for encounter and mutual respect.” (Prorectorate for International Affairs, Equality and Diversity Management)

In 2014, the University of Rostock published its Internationalisation Strategy. In 2018 the Guidelines for Diversity Management were adopted.

[Translate to English:] International House

Rostock International House

All the elements relating to the University of Rostock’s international exchange activities come together at Rostock International House. Our mandate is to coordinate international relations, as well as to develop and implement projects and programmes with foreign partners. Other major areas of responsibility include the provision of consultation and support to foreign students and prospective students, as well as the provision of advice to Rostock students regarding study abroad.



The Diversity Office is the central point of contact for matters relating to diversity and equality. Here projects addressing the promotion of the university’s welcoming culture, diversity, equality, inclusion, health management and family-friendliness are networked with one another and applied to all departments within the university. Through various measures, initiatives and events, the office contributes to fostering an environment in which diversity is perceived as a major opportunity for the University of Rostock.

Welcome Center

Welcome Center

The Welcome Centre supports and advises foreign doctoral students and visiting researchers. Here they receive information on topics such as work permits, visas and language courses. The range of services offered by the Welcome Centre also include the provision of assistance with formalities following entry into the country and help looking for accommodation.

Refugee / Buddy Programme

Refugee / Buddy Programme

The University of Rostock offers a comprehensive support system for refugee students and prospective students. Alongside educational advice, the range of services offered include intensive German courses in preparation for study, tutorials, a Buddy programme, a social gathering and, since 2018, a MINT Summer School for refugees.

Summer schools

Summer schools

For short-term exchanges and interdisciplinary insights into current research fields, the University of Rostock offers a wide range of summer school courses. Topics range from blockchain to medical and demographic observations on the topics of ageing, gender studies, and reunification, to quantum technology and Chinese medicine.

Students for Students

Students for Students

At the University of Rostock, various student initiatives offer support and advice for international students. The Local Erasmus Initiative (LEI) organises a wide range of events at the start of each semester in order to welcome new students. In the AStA there are assigned contacts for international issues, anti-racism and anti-discrimination.

Intercultural & Diversity Competence

Intercultural & Diversity Competence

Working in cooperation with the Welcome Centre, the Language Centre and external institutions such as migra MV e.V. and the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania IQ Network, the Diversity Office regularly offers intercultural and diversity training for various status groups at the University of Rostock.