Application and admission for international prospective students to the degree programe (full degree)

This information applies to prospective international students who do not hold German citizenship and do not have a German higher education entrance qualification and who wish to pursue a full course of study.

International prospective students with a German university entrance qualification as well as prospective students with the so-called "European Abitur" and German prospective students with a university entrance qualification acquired abroad can find further information ► here.


Prospective international students who wish to study as a guest student (not a degree from the University of Rostock) can find further information ► here.

Step 2: Proof of German language skills

Depending on the degree programme you are aiming for, German language skills at a certain level of the Common European Framework of Reference (GER) are required. If you would like to study at the University of Rostock, you must have the following level, depending on the degree programme.

What do the GER levels mean

C2 – Nearly native speaker skills

Can understand with ease virtually everything they read or hear. Can summarise information from a variety of written and spoken sources, giving reasons and explanations in a coherent presentation. Can express themselves spontaneously, very fluently and accurately, making clear finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.


B1 - Advanced language use

Can understand the main points when clear standard language is used and when dealing with familiar matters from work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations encountered when travelling in the language area. Can deal with most situations encountered when travelling in the language area. Can produce simple and coherent text on familiar topics and areas of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions and give brief reasons or explanations for plans and opinions.

B2 - Independent use of language

Can understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in their field of specialisation. Can communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is quite possible without major effort on either side. Can express themselves clearly and in detail on a wide range of topics, explaining a viewpoint on a topical issue and giving the advantages and disadvantages of different options.


C1 - Advanced language skills

Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, including implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without having to search for clearly identifiable words. Can use the language effectively and flexibly in social and professional life or in training and study. Can express him/herself clearly, in a structured and detailed way on complex subjects, making appropriate use of various means of linking texts.


For which degree programmes do I have to prove which level?

The majority of degree programs require German language skills at level C1 of the GER (CEFR), some degree programs require B2. English-language degree programs may not require German language skills. Which level is required in a specific study program is shown in the respective program profile under "Overview". You can access the program profiles via the ► program overview.

If the validity is not explicitly stated on the certificate, the language certificate is generally valid for a maximum of two years.

Which courses or tests lead to which level?

German Language Diploma of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (Sprachdiplom, DSD)

The "Deut­sche Sprach­di­plom der Kul­tus­mi­nis­ter­kon­fe­renz" ("Deutsches Sprachdiplom") is more than just an examination but an entire language acquisition programme embedded in the school curriculum. Learning German in the school curriculum means having the subject German as a foreign language in the timetable on an equal footing with subjects such as biology or mathematics. 

You can find more information 


The DSD examination can be taken at two levels (DSD I and DSD II):


In the DSD I examination, the sub-skills listening comprehension, reading comprehension, written and oral communication are tested at GER levels A2 and B1. The examination is thus located on the threshold from elementary to independent language use.

If a student reaches the B1 level of the GER in each of the four sub-skills, he or she receives the German Language Diploma - First Level (DSD I) and thus the linguistic proof for admission to a preparatory course in Germany.If the student's linguistic competences in one or more sub-skills are still below B1 but already at the A2 level, he or she receives the German Language Diploma A2. This diploma is not associated with any entrance qualifications.


In the DSD II examination, the sub-skills listening comprehension, reading comprehension, written and oral communication are tested at the GER levels B2 and C1. The examination is thus located on the threshold from independent to competent language use.

If a student achieves at least the B2 level of the GER in each of the four sub-competences, he or she receives the German Language Diploma of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany - Second Level (DSD II). The DSD II is considered proof of the language part of the university entrance qualification for studies in Germany - regardless of which GER level is required in the respective course of study.

Goethe Certificate

 The Goethe-Institut examinations have a high profile worldwide and the associated certificates are regarded as proof of qualification by employers and further education institutions in many countries.

The Goethe-Institut German examinations correspond to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (GER): from the A1 level of the GER for beginners to the C2 level of the GER for the highest linguistic level. 

All Goethe-Institut examinations can also be taken by external candidates if they have the appropriate language level. Attending a preparatory course is nevertheless recommended. Classroom and distance learning courses are offered for this purpose, but also a combination of both.

TELC language exam

"telc C1 or telc B2 Certificate".

The examination is aimed at adults who wish to study at a German-speaking university and tests university-related German language skills at an academic level for study and work. The telc test is suitable as a language certificate for students who wish to study in Germany and need proof of their German language skills for this purpose, for students who need to prove their German language skills in their home country, for academics who are planning a stay at a university in Germany and want to check their language level, for all those who need to prove their German language skills for academic professions, for students who come to Germany to study through European Union programmes and want to obtain a qualified language certificate at the end of their stay.

Telc C1 or B2 is offered at adult education centres, among others: See



German Language Examination for University Admission (DSH)

This examination is conducted at individual universities (not at the University of Rostock) and at Studienkollegs, but it is not the same as the so-called "Feststellungsprüfung" of the Studienkollegs. Special preparatory courses for the DSH are offered at these institutions, but also by private providers. If you pass the DSH, you will receive a certificate of German language proficiency in three levels (DSH-1, DSH-2, DSH-3), with DSH-3 being the best possible result. A clear allocation of the DSH levels to the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (GER) is NOT possible. At the University of Rostock, the DSH levels are recognised as follows:

DSH-1 = B2 level of the GER

DSH-2 = C1 level of the GER

DSH-3 = C2 level of the GER

Test German as a Foreign Language (TestDaF)

The TestDaF is a central, standardised test for German as a foreign language. It is administered simultaneously in so-called test centres in many countries around the world and centrally assessed at the TestDaF Institute in Hagen. TestDaF is therefore only a form of examination and not a course offering. Before registering for the examination, candidates should have already completed at least 700 to 1000 hours of German lessons. You can find more information at  


The Language Centre of the University of Rostock holds the licence as a test centre for TestDaF, i.e. it is authorised to conduct this examination.

Approximately six weeks after the examination, participants receive a certificate of language proficiency differentiated according to the categories Reading Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, Verbal Expression and Oral Expression. Each of the categories is assessed with a TestDaF level (TDN) from TDN 3 to TDN 5, with TDN 5 being the highest level to be achieved.

At the University of Rostock, the TestDaF levels are recognised as follows:

If you have completed the TestDaF in all four examination parts with at least TDN 3, the certificate is valid as proof of language proficiency for admission to the degree programmes at the University of Rostock that require German language skills at the B2 level of the GER
If you have completed the TestDaF in all four examination parts with a total score of at least 16 (4 x 4), the certificate is valid as proof of language proficiency for admission to the degree programmes at the University of Rostock that require German language proficiency at the C1 level of the GER.

Step 1: University admission

First of all, the university entrance qualification must be checked. This means that it must be clarified whether the school or university degree acquired abroad entitles you to take up studies at the University of Rostock. You can find this out yourself in advance via the Infoportal zu ausländischen Bildungsabschlüssen (anabin). You can access anabin ► here


Preparation Courses

1st and 2nd step with the assessment test

International prospective students whose school or other previous education does not equal a German higher education entrance qualification have the opportunity to attend a Studienkolleg (preparatory course). Here, the necessary prerequisites for successful study are taught.

In addition to German courses, the participants of a Studienkolleg also take subject-specific courses depending on the intended field of study. The Studienkolleg ends with the so-called "Feststellungsprüfung" (assessment test), which consists of a language and a subject-related part. Those who pass the assessment test no longer have to provide separate proof of language proficiency.

Here you will find an overview of which specialization course from the Studienkolleg fits the respective course of study at the University of Rostock

Overview of Specialization Courses Studienkolleg

There is no Studienkolleg at the University of Rostock; the nearest Studienkollegs are:

Studienkolleg der Universität Hamburg

Studienkolleg der Hochschule Wismar

The Studienkolleg of Wismar University of Applied Sciences offers the W-course and the T-course, which prepares students for business, social science courses and technical courses at universities.

General information on Studienkollegs can be found at ►

Courses in Rostock

"Study in Germany" is an association of Rostock academics that supports international study applicants. In particular, the association offers language courses. ►

Step 3: Application

Application channels depending on the intended degree programme

Once the questions regarding university admission and German language skills have been clarified, you can apply. Depending on which degree programme you would like to take, there are different ways to apply.

Step 4: Enrollment

If your application is successful, you will receive an admission letter (Zulassungsbescheid) and you can enrol online in the chosen degree programme (Online-Immatrikulation). The deadlines for your enrolment will be communicated to you in the notification of admission.

Click here for Online-Enrolment for international Students


Clarify concerns, get brief information

The Info-Service is the central contact point for prospective and current students found in the Student Service Center of the University of Rostock. If you are looking for advice, please contact here first. Often the question can be clarified with a brief information. If necessary, specialized contact persons will be referred to.

Phone Consultations:
Monday till Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. | Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. | 
Phone: +49 381 498-1230

Office hours (Parkstraße 6, 18057 Rostock):
Monday till Thursday
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. | Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Chat: On many websites of the Student Service Center you can also reach us during our office hours via chat. At the bottom right look for the speech bubble button.
At your request we are also able to arrange an appointment outside our regular opening hours. Please contact us via email in advance. 

Email: studiumuni-rostockde