Guest auditorship at the University of Rostock
A guest auditorship makes it possible for interested people, without proof of a university entrance qualification, to use the facilities of the University of Rostock for further education.
People with a guest auditorship can take advantage of:
- attending courses in non-admission degree programs
- usage of the libraries
- offers of the language center
- and the college sport.
In addition, you will receive a user account of the IT and Media Center for the IT student service.
Guest auditors will not be enrolled and you are therefore not considered as a student of the University of Rostock. That means you will not get a student ID or a semester ticket. Guest auditors can only participate in exams if there is made an exception by the examination office. With the guest auditorship you will be able to attend courses in non-admission degree programs.
As far as there are sufficient capacities, everyone can become a guest auditor in our university. They will have to file an application for the guest auditorship for one or more courses and submit it to the student service center.
The guest auditorship costs 46,00 € per semester.
Clarify concerns, get brief information
The Info-Service is the central contact point for prospective and current students found in the Student Service Center of the University of Rostock. If you are looking for advice, please contact here first. Often the question can be clarified with a brief information. If necessary, specialized contact persons will be referred to.
Phone Consultations:
Monday till Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. | Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. |
Phone: +49 381 498-1230
Office hours (Parkstraße 6, 18057 Rostock):
Monday till Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. | Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Chat: On many websites of the Student Service Center you can also reach us during our office hours via chat. At the bottom right look for the speech bubble button.
At your request we are also able to arrange an appointment outside our regular opening hours. Please contact us via email in advance.
Email: studiumuni-rostockde
International students (with a home university abroad) who spend one or more semesters at the University of Rostock are not considered as guest auditors, but as guest students. Information on guest studies can be found ► here.