Invitation to Join Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2022 on Rostock’s University Campus South

The university departments of mechanical engineering, computer science, electrical engineering, life sciences, physics and chemistry, medicine, the Interdisciplinary Department of Life, Light and Matter, the Center for Entrepreneurship and the Digital Innovation Center as well as the Library of the University of Rostock invite everyone to look behind their scenes. About 120 contributions are part of the event this year - find out what the meat of the future might look like, what exactly a quantum leap is and why sweet blood is not so healthy.  

Students from the Hochschule für Musik und Theater will transform the foyer of the university library into a sound laboratory with a sound installation made of samples and textures they have produced on their own. At the Leibniz Institute for Catalysis (LIKAT), things that would not actually combine are put together - not only cosmetics are produced, but also ice cream and fruit juice caviar. At Fraunhofer IGP, one can build their own cell phone holder or venture into augmented reality. Fraunhofer IGD will go wreck hunting with VR goggles in the atrium of the Konrad Zuse House and present latest technologies in agriculture. The Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries will give an insight into how innovative fishing technology helps to use fish stocks sustainably.

This year, the focus is on campus south of the University of Rostock. Rector of the University Professor Wolfgang Schareck is pleased to be able to present to the people of Rostock the completed ‘science axis’, which connects the university buildings and buildings of LIKAT and Fraunhofer IGP: "We are looking forward to finally being able to open the doors of our Rostock science institutions to inquisitive visitors again, to show where and how we research, teach, investigate, and experiment. May the Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft attract many people thirsting for knowledge to our university campus south!"

Admission to the event is free. 

Link to the program

Dr. Kirstin Werner
University of Rostock
Press and Communication Office
Phone: +49 381 498-1013
