ONLINE COURSE: Concept, Design and Presentation of Academic Posters

As a major aspect of academic publishing, posters are an integral part of almost every scientific conference. Their purpose is to highlight and visualise research results as effectively as possible and invite discussion.
Specially tailored to the requirements of scientific presentations, the workshop focuses on the conveyance of design and presentation skills and on the practical training how to apply these skills for an effective communication.
The first part of the workshop covers the key principles of design and layout techniques such as typography, colour, proportional balance, visualisation and the use of grids and columns. Participants also learn how to conceive and develop a clearly structured poster by reducing the scientific content to the most significant points.
The second part takes essential presentation skills into focus, e.g. main aspects of verbal and nonverbal communication, dramaturgy and structure, clarification and reduction.
The workshop is rounded off with the preparation and training of short poster presentations, video recording and constructive trainer and group feedback.

12. und 19.10.2020, 9:00 - 16:00 Uhr




  • Graduiertenakademie


  • online

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