Intercultural information offers of the University of Rostock

With an English-language information event on June 28, the university would like to get into dialogue with refugee prospective students to inform them about the various offers by the university and university medicine. This includes both the study offers and admission requirements for studying and training in health professions, but also various offers of the Language Center as well as questions about German language skills that are necessary for studying. In particular, the Rostock-Wismar Student Union (Studierendenwerk) will provide information about financing options for refugee prospective students. Currently, the staff of the Rostock International House supports prospective students from Ukraine in particular, but also from other countries. Various student initiatives, such as the General Students' Committee (AStA), will also be presenting their activities.

On June 30, children together with their parents who are already studying or working at the University of Rostock or the University Medical Center or who are interested in studying can get to know the university owl Alma. Together with Alma, we will go on an English/German-language discovery tour through the main university building and then make our own owls. An owl certificate will be awarded for all owls made.

The events at a glance:

Information event for prospective refugee students:
When: June 28, 2022, 4 p.m.
Where: University main building, room 104

With Alma, the owl through the university
When: June 30, 2022, 3 p.m.
Where: Main University Building, meeting point in the foyer.

Registration at ariane.sennewalduni-rostockde

Contact details:
Dr. Kirstin Werner
Presse- und Kommunikationsstelle
Phone: +49 381 498-1013
