The traditional and popular poster session is the centrepiece of the event. Registrations from all disciplines/joint projects are expressly welcome!

Registration is required and can be done via the online Registration Portal. Participation is open and free of charge.

Please consider the following advises for your poster:

Since 1 October 2021, the ITMZ has been able to provide employees and students of the University of Rostock with the graphics software Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer and Affinity Publisher free of charge via a campus contract. With Affinity Publisher you can create posters, among other things. You can also import file formats from Adobe products. If you are interested, please find out more here.

  • Please present an overview of your topic and take care of general understandability and clearness.
  • Please don’t use old congress-posters again. The science camp is an interdisciplinary event and aims to represent the full spectrum of research competence. The audience will be diverse in terms of disciplines. Please represent your field of expertise accordingly.
  • The poster should contain the following information: title, author(s), faculty, institute, introduction, question, aim, material and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references.
  • Please use DIN A0 and portrait format.
  • Please use the Corporate Design of the University of Rostock. More information is available here.

Please consider the general notes for the poster print:

  • You are responsible for the print of your poster.
  • The IT and Media Centre will anticipate more print jobs right before the event.
  • Please allow at least three working days for poster printing. Please contact the ITMZ printing service in good time. Find information here.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions at
