Robert Ott from the Institute for ImplantTechnology and Biomaterials e.V. won the Science Slam 2017. His presentation with the subject "Teeth matter – stem cell loading in bone implants" convinced the audience.
We asked him about his impressions and for tips for future candidates.
What induced you to participate?
"I enjoy to present my research work to others, especially to people from different research areas. The stage that is offered to you at the Science Slam of the University of Rostock is ideally suited for that."
What were your expectations?
"I did not have any specific expectations regarding the competition at the day I applied for it. Actually, I was rather looking for the challenge to present myself in this, for me new, format."
How did you approached the task?
"At first, I watched a few Science Slams on the internet. Before the first workshop day, I thought about the message I wanted to convey from my research. During the preparing workshop for the Science Slam, different ideas for the presentation arose within short time through the cooperation with our coach and the great team of participants."
What are your tips for a successful Slam?
"Less is more - try to keep the level of details as low as possible and give the audience a feeling for where in life they get in touch with your research work. Thereby, you familiarise the audience with your topic and delight them with your presentation. Be open to new ideas that you develop during the preparing workshop and have the courage to throw overboard all the rigid rules that apply for presenting at scientific conferences."
What 3 qualities needs a winner of the Science Slam?
"At first, creativity in the conception of the presentation. Secondly, energy during the presentation. Thirdly, courage to exit the own comfort zone and to face an audience of scientists outside of the field."
How did you feel as a Slamer?
"Above all, it was exciting to participate in a format that never existed before at the Universtity of Rostock. It was exciting to experience how the spectators reacted to the presentation."
What profits did you take from the Slam?
"I received a voucher worth 1000 Euro for workshops from the Graduate Academy. Above all, I gained the self confidence that I can communicate complex facts within short time generally understandable. Probably most valuable of the whole Science Slam was and is the contact to the other participants who work like me at the University but whom I would have never met without the Science Slam."
How did your environment react to the success?
"Even though only a few people in my environment knew exactly what kind of event the Science Slam is, a lot of them were as pleased as me about the success. Furthermore, the success at the Science Slam created a greater stir than I imagined at first. For example, articles in online and printmedia at home and abroad arose from several interviews I gave about my research work and about the Science Slam."
Why should one participate?
"I think you should participate because there is nothing to lose but a lot to gain at the event. The preparing workshop for the Science Slam is a great opportunity to improve your presentation and visualization skills. Moreover, the Science Slam offers the unique chance to be on stage, leave your comfort zone and present your own research to an interested public from outside of your field."
Have you become interested in presenting your research work in a creative way to an interested public outside of your field? Accept the challenge and apply here for the Science Slam 2019!