Current information on handling the coronavirus
The translation of this website from German was done with artificial intelligence and is therefore without guarantee.
Currently, vaccinations against Covid-19 given with vaccines that are not licensed in the EU are not recognised in the EU. Therefore, people with a non-approved vaccination are considered unvaccinated in the EU. If you have any questions, the team of the Department of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Rostock University Medical Centre will advise students on the protective effect and documentation of a previous Covid-19 disease or previous vaccinations against Covid-19.
Contact: tropenmed.uni-rostockde, telephone 0381-494 7511
Exams | Deadlines | Written assignments
The examination system at the University of Rostock is decentralized. The contact person for students in all examination topics is the examination office or the examination board of the respective faculty - for students studying teaching it is the Central Examination and Study Office for Teaching (ZPA).
Here you find an ► overview of the examination and study offices
Clarify concerns, get brief information
The Info-Service is the central contact point for prospective and current students found in the Student Service Center of the University of Rostock. If you are looking for advice, please contact here first. Often the question can be clarified with a brief information. If necessary, specialized contact persons will be referred to.
Phone Consultations:
Monday till Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. | Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. |
Phone: +49 381 498-1230
Office hours (Parkstraße 6, 18057 Rostock):
Monday till Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. | Friday 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Chat: On many websites of the Student Service Center you can also reach us during our office hours via chat. At the bottom right look for the speech bubble button.
At your request we are also able to arrange an appointment outside our regular opening hours. Please contact us via email in advance.
Email: studiumuni-rostockde
Those entering the country from risk areas are obliged to register with the health authorities
Everyone who enters from a domestic or foreign risk area must go into quarantine and report to the Rostock Health Office. Further information can be found at
▼ general information on studying and teaching
BAföG-support extended by "Corona-term"
With an amendment to the state higher education law, there is an extended "individual standard period of study" and thus longer BAföG support.
► Sonderregelung zur Berücksichtigung des Sommersemesters 2020 für die BAföG Förderungsdauer
Regulations on presence courses for winter term (WS 20/21)
The university management has decided on a framework for the implementation of courses in presence for the upcoming winter term 20/21.
Further information can be found under the heading ▼ Lehrveranstaltungen | Praktika | Distance Learning