Students for Students
At the University of Rostock, various student initiatives offer support and advice for international students. The Local Erasmus Initiative (LEI) organises a wide range of events at the start of each semester in order to welcome new students. In the AStA there are assigned contacts for international issues, anti-racism and anti-discrimination.
Tandem Programme
If you would like to regularly meet up with an international student and at the same time improve your language skills, then register for the Tandem Programme. At Tandem parties and international culture evenings, Tandem pairings and those who would like to take part meet together in a relaxed setting.

Buddy Programme
The Buddy Programme is intended to facilitate the integration of prospective student refugees into everyday life at the University of Rostock. Rostock students can support a student refugee and help them find their way around the university by serving as a Welcome Buddy. The support of a Welcome Buddy can make all the difference – whether this is providing help with acquiring a Mensa (refectory) card, answering questions regarding who to talk to with regard to putting together a timetable, or finding their way around the campus or the city.
LEI (Local ERASMUS Initiative)
The LEI is a university student group that helps international students find their way in Rostock and establish connections with other people. Its activities include accompanying students to appointments with the authorities, excursions, film evenings and parties, and also assisting them with technical and language-related problems.
IAESTE (Internat. Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience)
IAESTE is one of the largest student exchange organisations in the world. The IAESTE Local Committee for the University of Rostock offers students a unique opportunity to come together with international students, to collaborate on an interesting student initiative, while also adding something to their CV. For anyone who is also interested in a paid internship abroad, IAESTE membership offers exceptional opportunities to grab one of the few highly sought after paid internship places.
AStA & StuRa
The Student Union (Allgemeine Studierendenausschuss, AStA) and the Student Parliament (StuRa - Studierendenrat) are continuously working to represent the interests of the student body. The StuRa is comprised of elected representatives from all faculties and currently meets twice a month. On an annual basis, generally during the summer semester, willing students can stand for election to the StuRa. The AStA, on the other hand, consists of students from a wide range of disciplines, each with their own field of work and who will serve as points of contact for all students within this field.