The direct exchange with national and international fellows is a scientific, cultural and social enrichment for both sides. Even after the fellow's departure, each visit leaves lasting impressions, experiences and memories for all involved.
In the following you will find an overview of all fellows known to us who have visited the University of Rostock since 01.01.2019.
On behalf of the University, we would like to thank all fellows, as well as all host researchers, for their motivation and commitment to science, but also for their appreciative approach to each other.
2024 (A-Z)

Prof. Dr. Eduardo Fidel Pastrana Buelvas (Kolumbien)
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia)
Mare Balticum Fellow: 20th May - 20th July 2024
Latin America: Actual Challenges in the context of global and regional geopolitical tensions
Host scientist at the University of Rostock
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Muno / Department "Knowledge-Culture-Transformation"
2023 (A-Z)
Dr. Oleg Petrauskas
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 3th May - 4th August 2023
Transformation von Gesellschaften am Rand des Römischen Reiches
Public Events
- 11.05.2023: Einführung in den Kulturraum des 1. Jahrtausends zwischen Dnepr und Dnister
- 30.05. - 01.06.2023: Gesellschaften in einem Grenzraum des Imperiums
- 08.06.2023: Glasanalyse
- 22.06.2023: Mobile Gesellschaften!? Strategien für aDNA- und Isotopenanalysen einer spätantiken Gesellschaft
- 13.07.2023: Komariv – Zentrum der antiken Glasherstellung im Barbaricum
- 26.07. - 02.08.2023: Gesellschaften im südlichen Ostseeraum während des 3.-5. Jahrhunderts
Prof. Dr. Georgios Deligiannakis
Open University of Cyprus (Cyprus)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 1th June - 15th August 2023
What difference did Christianity make?
Host Scientist
Dr. Philipp Pilhofer / Department "Knowledge - Culture - Transformation"
Public Events
- 13.06.2023: Das spätantike Messene: Eine Stadt im Wandel
- 16./17.06.2023: Antiocheia – Multikulturelle Metropole am Oronte
- 07.07.2023: Methoden und digitale Arbeitstechniken in älterer Kirchengeschichte und Altertumswissenschaften
- 12.07.2023: Die Christianisierung Zyperns: Von Barnabas bis Epiphanios
Prof. Dr. Helen Piontkivska
Department of Biological Sciences, Kent State University (USA)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 11th July - 5th August 2023
Host Scientist
Public Events
- Lecture "RNA editing in health and disease: role of viral infections in neurodegeneration"
- Lecture & practical workshop "Bioinformatics tools for physiology and functional ecology"
Dr. Helena Bermúdez Sabel
University of Neuchâtel (Switzerland)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 15th May - 15th July 2023
Public Events
- 25. May 2023: Interdisciplinary networking meeting for researchers and early career researchers
- 30. May - 06. June 2023: Digital corpus building for humanities research: from data collection, to annotation, exploitation and sharing
- 12. June 2023: Digital-born editing models for historical linguistics studies
Prof. Dr. Eric Stewart
Augustana College (USA)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 4th September - 5th November 2023
Interethnic and gendered encounters in Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity
Public Events
- 26./27.09.2023: Interethnic and gendered encounters in Second Temple Judaism and early Christianity
- Piety in the New Testament and Related Literature
- Breakfast with Greeks and Geeks
Prof. Dr. Jeroen Vandaele
Universität Gent (Belgien)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 15th October - 15th December 2023
Comedy, Ideology, Translation
Host Scientist
Dr. José Manuel Blanco Mayor, Prof. Dr. Albrecht Buschmann / Department "Knowledge - Culture - Transformation"
Public Events
- Comedy, Ideology, Translation.
2022 (A-Z)
Assistant Prof. Dr. Christopher Forstall
Mount Allison University, New Brunswick (Canada)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 20th April - 14th July 2022
Host Scientist
Dr. Simone Finkmann / Department "Knowledge - Culture - Transformation"
Public Lectures
- „Interdisciplinary networking meeting for scientists and young scientists“, 17th May 2022, 1 p.m. (online)
- Workshop: „Digital Research Methods for Intertextual“, 7th -10th June 2022, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. (online)
- „International Workshop: Digital Approaches to Direct Speech Representation in Greek and Latin Epic“, 30th June – 2th July 2022, IBZ and Heinrich Schliemann Institute, as hybrid event

Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzinger
Associate Professor, Head of the research group Plant Cell Biology, University of Innsbruck (Austria)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 6th June - 2th July 2022
Host Scientist
Public Lectures
- 16th June 2022, 4:15 p.m., Hörsaal 1, Albert-Einstein-Strasse 3, Lecture in the framework of the Biological Colloquium: "Sexual reproduction in Zygnematophyceae - a benefit for terrestrialization and under climate change?".
- 18th-22th July 2022, 08:30 a.m. - 5 p.m., Block internship: "Cell biological studies of micro- and macroalgae with fluorescence and confocal laser microscopy" (in German)

Prof. Dr. Ernesto Dominguez Lopez
Center for Hemispheric and United States Studies, University of Havana (Cuba)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 25th April - 30th July 2022
Host Scientist
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Muno / Department "Knowledge - Culture - Transformation"
„Transformations between Autocracy and Democracy: Knowledge Society, Populism and Transformations in Politics, Economyand Society in Historical and Comparative Perspective“
Public Lectures
- Seminar "United States in Transition. Populism and the Threat of Autocracy", from 25th April 2022 (Mondays, weekly, 11 a.m.- 1 p.m., open to public), Campus Ulmenstraße, U69-H1-324
- Workshop "Knowledge Society: History and Politics in Advanced Western Societies" (Part 1), 25th April 2022 (3 p.m. - 7 p.m.), Campus Ulmenstraße, U69-H1-024
- Workshop "Knowledge Society: History and Politics in Advanced Western Societies" (Part 2), 2th May 2022 (3 p.m. - 7 p.m.), Campus Ulmenstraße, U69-H1-024
- Lecture "Cuba in Transition", 20th June 2022 (9 a.m. -18 a.m.), Aula of the Main University Building, Universitätsplatz 1, 18055 Rostock
Dr. Claudia Sandberg
University of Melbourne (Australia)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 7th June - 8th July 2022; 8th September - 3th October 2022
„Transnationales Kino im Kalten Krieg. Rezeption, Repräsentation und Erinnerung“
Host Scientist
Dr. Andy Räder / Department "Knowledge - Culture - Transformation"
Public Events
4th and 5th July 2022, 10 a.m.-17 p.m., 2-day Workshop: "DEFA's German-Chilean Films as a Transnational Heritage" (in German)
4th July 2022, 7 p.m., Cinema Theater "Wundervoll", public screening: Short film Eine chilenische Hochzeit ( "A Chilean wedding", DDR, 1977); followed by the film Blonder Tango ("Blonde Tango"DDR 1986). Introduction and talk: Dr. Claudia Sandberg (University of Melbourne, Australia); Moderator: Dr. Andy Räder (University of Rostock)
5th July 2022, 7 p.m., Cinema theater "Wundervoll", Public screening: Short film Copihuito (DDR 1977); followed by the film Isabel auf der Treppe (DDR 1984). Guests: Teresa Polle (film protagonist) and Carlos Medina (Cultural Representative of the Chilean Embassy). Introduction and talk: Dr. Claudia Sandberg (University of Melbourne, Australia); Moderator: Dr. Andy Räder (University of Rostock)

Prof. Dr. Belén Santana
University of Salamanca (Spain)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 13th June - 13th July 2022
Public Lectures
- 14th June 2022, 5:15 p.m.,HS 217, University Main building: Lecture "Literaturübersetzer in Bibliothekskatalogen – eine Suchaufgabe / Staging the Literary Translator in Bibliografic Catalogues", Language: German, Spanish or English
- 22th June 2022, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. and 23th June 2022, 9 p.m.- 12 p.m.: Research Colloquium „Übersetzer und Übersetzungen in digitalen Katalogen“.
- 24 June 2022, 30. June 2022, 1.July 2022, each from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Workshop "Introduction to consecutive interpretation english/spanish à german + spanish à german/english"
- 6th July 2022, 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. and 7th July 2022, 9 p.m.- 12 p.m: Research Colloquium „Humor in Übersetzungen als Herausforderung der Übersetzungsforschung“.
Dr. Emma Tonkin
SPHERE, University of Bristol (UK)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 10th June 2022 - 10th September 2022
Privacy aware data collection and annotation for healthcare systems
Public Lecture
- Lecture: "SPHERE -- Sensor Platform for HealthcarE in a Residential Environment: The Vision and The Lessons Learned ", 14th June 2022, 1:15 p.m., online.
- Lecture: "Data annotation for machine learning in a clinical research context", 23th June 2022, 1 p.m., Room 001 in Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22.
- Workshop: "Developing a protocol for data annotation", 30th June 2022, 1 p.m., Room 001 in Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22.
- Lecture: "From data ethics to data protection: privacy-aware planning", 07th July 2022, 1 p.m., Room 001 in Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22.
- Lecture: "Data management at scale: deployment, storage, retention and reuse",14th July 2022, 1 p.m., Room 001 in Konrad-Zuse-Haus, Albert-Einstein-Str. 22.
Prof. Dr. Liliya Vugmeyster
University of Colorado Denver (USA)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 18. Mai - 18. Juli 2022
Modern NMR methods for the investigation of molecular mechanisms in neurodegenerative disease
Host scientist
Prof. Dr. Björn Corzilius / Department "Life, Light & Matter"
Public Lectures
- Seminar: “Biophysical spectroscopy of neurodegenerative diseases”, 2th June.2022, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. Seminar room 110 Research Building LL&M, Albert-Einstein-Str. 25
- Seminar: “Basics of NMR approaches for studies of insoluble aggregates”, 9th June 2022, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. Seminar room 110 Research Building LL&M, Albert-Einstein-Str. 25
- Seminar: “Studies of the flexibility of amyloid fibrils”, 16th June 2022, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. Seminar room 110 Research Building LL&M, Albert-Einstein-Str. 25
- Seminar: “Dynamic nuclear polarization – from basics and principles to-wards molecular dynamics with 2H NMR.”, 23th June 2022, 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. Seminar room 110 Research Building LL&M, Albert-Einstein-Str. 25
- Seminar: “Solid-state deuterium NMR studies of dynamics in amyloid fibrils and globular proteins” 24th June 2022, 1.30 p.m. - 3 p.m. , Seminar room 230, Chemistry extension building, Albert-Einstein-Str. 27
2021 (A-Z)

Dr. Diana Matut
Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Mare Balticum Fellow / 5th September - 12th September 2021
Rostock Old Yiddish Summer School (ROYS): „Anfangen will ich zu singen. Altjiddische Lieder der Sammlung Tychsen“
Public lectures
- Rostock Old Yiddish Summer School (ROYS): „Anfangen will ich zu singen. Altjiddische Lieder der Sammlung Tychsen“ (Rostock, 5.–12.9.2021)
- 2. Online Lecture Series: Europe in Jewish Garb. The Yiddish Collection of Oluf Tychsen Contextualized / Europa im jüdischen Gewand. Die Sammlung jiddischer Texte von Oluf Tychsen im Kontext“ (Rostock, 6.–10.9.2021)

Prof. Dr. Karen Struve
University of Bremen
Mare Balticum Fellow /April - November 2021
The narrative of fear ("Narrative der Angst")
Host scientist
Public lectures
- Guest lecture: "Narrative der Angst. Erzählungen von Macht, Ohnmacht und Widerstand am Beispiel der frankophonen Gegenwartsliteratur": 20th May 2021
- Workshop 1: "Macht und Widerstand erzählen: Theorien und Analysen von Narrativen": 09th September 2021: 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. & 10th September 2021: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
- Workshop 2: "Von Klimaangst bis Bildungspanik. Literatur- und kulturtheoretische Ansätze der Angst": 25th October 2021: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. &
26th October 2021: 09:00 - 13:00 Uhr - Workshop 3: "Narrative der Angst als Narrationen der Angst. Angstdiskurse in Literatur und Film der Gegenwart": 29th November 2021: 10 a.m. - 4 a.m. & 30th November 2021: 9 a.m. - 13 p.m.
- Networking meetings for academics and junior researchers from the subjects Romance Studies, English Studies, German Studies and Political Science: Dates by individual arrangement during the fellowship.
2020 (A-Z)

Dr. Beatriz de la Fuente Marina
University of Salamanca (Spain)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 6th January - 14th February 2020
Mapping of translation, history of translation theory.

Prof. Dr. PhD Tibor Hortobagyi
University of Groningen (Netherlands)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 17th September - 4th October 2020
Public lectures
Gait characteristics in response to perturbations and in virtual environment. - with the GRAIL system *
- 18.09.2020, 15:00–17.00 Uhr Audimax, Ulmenstraße 69, Thema des Vortrages "Healthy ageing gait, balance"
- 25.09.2020, 15:00–17.00 Uhr Audimax, Ulmenstraße 69, Thema des Vortrages „Healthy ageing and motor learning”
- 02.10.2020, 15:00–17.00 Uhr Audimax, Ulmenstraße 69, Thema des Vortrages “Gait and cognition”

Prof. Dr. Yogesh Joglekar
Associate Professor, Physics, Department of Physics, Indiana University (Bloomington, Indiana, United States)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 31th January - 14th February 2020
Host scientist
Prof. Dr. Alexander Szameit / Department "Life, Light & Matter"
Public lectures
Complex non-Hermitian quantum mechanics in theory and experiment

Assistant Prof. Dr. Christian Schröder
Associate Professor at the Institute for Computational Biological Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vienna (Austria)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 29th June - 13th July 2020
Host scientist
Public lectures
Computational Spectroscopy: 1th July 2020, 12 a.m. - 13 p.m. , 3th July 2020, 2 a.m. - 3 p.m. 8th July 2020, 12 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Polarizability Effects in Ionic Liquids: 10.07.2020, 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Recording of the Lecture
2019 (A-Z)

Prof. Dr. Liudmil Antonov
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Centre for Phytochemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia (Bulgaria)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 17th June - 21th December 2019
Host scientist
Prof. Dr. Stefan Lochbrunner / Department "Life, Light & Matter"
Light Induced Processes in Molecular Systems and Novel Materials

Dr. David Porcel Bueno
Institute of Romance, Italian, Galician-Portuguese and Catalan Philology, University of Granada (Spain)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 15th May- 15th July 2019
Host scientist
Prof. Dr. Rafael Arnold / Department "Knowledge, Culture, Transformation"
The DEMel in the context of the history of the Spanish lexicon: achievements and challenges of the Ibero-Romance digital lexicography

Dr. Javier Ferrer
Center for InterAmerican Studies, University of Bielefeld
Mare Balticum Fellow / 1th September - 31th October 2019
Narrratives of Corruption in Latin America (Network Analysis)

Dr. Daniil Kolokolov
Boreskov Institute for Catalysis, Novosibirsk (Russia)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 1th July- 31th July 2019
Host scientist
NMR spectroscopy

Prof. Dr. Klaus Mainzer
Philosophy and Philosophy of Science, Technical University of Munich
Mare Balticum Fellow / 1th October - 30th November 2019
Host scientist
Prof. Dr. Albrecht Buschmann
Interdisciplinary Faculty
Department "Knowledge - Culture - Transformation"
Ethics and Responsibility in the Digital Context

Dr. Daniel Pauling
Institute for Protestant Theology, Dresden University of Technology
Mare Balticum Fellow / 16th September - 13th December 2019
Gender and Digital Research Opportunities

Dr. Anita Peil
Business Management, Europa Rx Ltd, London, (United Kingdom)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 1th Juni - 31th July 2019
Host scientist
Prof. Dr. Georg Füllen / Department Ageing of Individuals and Society
Making a Medicine - Scientific, Regulatory, and Ethical Considerations

Prof. Dr. Gabriele Pfitzer
Institute for Vegetative Physiology, University of Cologne
Mare Balticum Fellow / 1th September - 31th Oktober 2019
Host scientist
Prof. Dr. Simone Baltrusch / Department "Life, Light and Matter“
Effect of two mtDNA point mutations in NADH-dehydrogenase and cytochrome-c-oxidase on muscle structure and function of mtBPL mice.

Prof. Dr. Tönu Pullerits
Chemical Physics, Lund University (Sweden)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 17th June - 21th December 2019
Host scientist
Prof. Dr. Stefan Lochbrunner / Department "Life, Light and Matter"
Light Induced Processes in Molecular Systems and Novel Materials

Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit
Institute for Religion und Theology, Free University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Mare Balticum Fellow / 16th September - 13th December 2019
Gender and digital research opportunities