Databases for and with female scientists

Databases of researchers are indispensable tools for the scientific community. The following collection is intended to support you in your search for female scientists for appointment procedures, speakers for conferences, experts for scientific committees or reviewers. At the same time, some of them offer female researchers opportunities for networking as well as to register themselves in order to become more visible.
Databases at a glance:
- AcademiaNetis a Europe-wide database of female scientists from all disciplines.
- Arbeitskreis Historische Frauen- und Geschlechterforschungincludes female scientists specialized in historical women's and gender studies.
- Clio-online is a specialized portal for historical sciences and the Virtual Library Eastern Europe. It offers information about research interests, publications, etc. of historians.
- Datenbank FH-Professorinsees itself as a placement and contact exchange on the subject of FH professorships in German-speaking countries and includes both the search for job offers and for applicants.
- econ female researchersprovides a list of female researchers in economics and related fields in German-speaking countries.
- European Platform of Women Scientistsis a network of European women scientists.
- FemConsultis a database of female scientists with current qualification profiles of more than 3,000 female scientists with doctorates and habilitations from all disciplines in German-speaking countries.
- Femdatmaintains a database for female scientists and experts from various scientific disciplines in Switzerland.
- FemTech is an Austrian database for female scientists in the fields of research and technology in German-speaking countries.
- GEPRISas the DFG's project database helps you to conduct a targeted search for female scientists in early career phases sorted by subject area or within DFG funding programs.
- NEURONEXXTis a network for women in neuroscience.
- Portal „Datensammlungen Geschlechterforschung” is a service of the Margherita von Brentano Center at Freie Universität Berlin. It contains several data collections in the field of women's and gender studies in the form of a digitally managed, cross-searchable database system.
- Speakerinnen-Liste lists women who are available as speakers for conferences, panels and talk shows and makes it easier for those responsible to search for experts for events. Women can enter themselves in the database with their topics and references and thus become more visible.
- Womens Engineering Societyis a network for women engineers and scientists in the UK.
- 500 Women Scientistslists female scientists worldwide, especially from the STEM fields.
The list does not claim to be complete. If you have any suggestions or recommendations for further databases for female scientists, please send an e-mail to karolin.hansenuni-rostockde.