The doctoral regulations of the individual faculties specify the basic conditions as well as the procedural rules. Thus, the faculties are directly responsible for the quality of the doctoral studies, compliance with the rules to ensure good scientific practice and to avoid scientific misconduct and for the administrative processes of a doctorate. Please inform yourself on the websites of your faculty.
The central doctorate and post-doctorate office supports the faculties in the completion of the doctoral procedures, which means from the time after the submission of the application for the opening of a doctoral procedure. In case of procedural questions, please contact the doctoral officers of the respective faculty or the central doctoral and postdoctoral Office (Department of Academic Self-Administration, D1.2).
Generally, all doctoral candidates of the University of Rostock are supported by the Graduate Academy on their way to a doctorate (all questions concerning the topic of doctoral studies, e.g. financing, qualification or funding). The International Welcome Center supports and advises international doctoral candidates in particular on topics such as work permits, immigration law, language courses, housing and administrative procedures.
The individual doctorate - the traditional form of doctorate in Germany - is possible at all faculties of the University of Rostock and is the most common form of doctorate at the University of Rostock. The doctoral areas are usually specified in the doctoral degree regulations of the faculties. Doctoral candidates find their own supervisor ("doctoral supervisor") and work very independently on their doctoral project. Funding is provided by an employment relationship in a qualification position financed by basic or third-party funding at the university or the respective non-university research institution, or by a scholarship. However, it is also possible to do a doctorate without an employment relationship or a scholarship (external doctorate). Doctoral colloquia are usually offered to support the networking of doctoral candidates in the professorship environment.
These are programs that promote early career researchers. The focus is on the qualification of doctoral researchers:
1. Graduate Schools of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft):
- Research Training Group, GRK 1887: "Deutungsmacht - Religion und Belief Systems in Deutungsmachtkonflikten"
- Research Training Group, GRK 2000: „Baltic TRANSCOAST“
- Research Training Group, GRK 2676: "Imaging von Quantensystemen: Photonen, Moleküle und Materialien"
- Integrated Research Training Group of the Collaborative Research Centre, SFB 1270: "Elektrisch-aktive Implantate (ELAINE)"
- Integrated Research Training Group od the Collaborative Research Centre, SFB 1477: "Light-Matter Interactions at Interfaces (LiMatI)"
Associated doctoral positions and doctoral scholarships are published at Job offers.
2. Further programs at the University of Rostock, that are funded by other sponsors (BMBF, DAAD, EU etc.):
Associated doctoral positions and doctoral scholarships are published at Job offers.
3. Structured Doctoral program of the University Medicine of Rostock:
This accompanying doctoral program aims at a research oriented supplementary qualification in addition to the accomplishment of an individual scientific research project (doctoral thesis). Securing the funding of a doctorate within the framework of a doctoral program is the responsibility of the doctoral candidate and requires intensive research and coordination between the doctoral candidate and the supervisor.
Doctorates in cooperation with partner institutions or cooperative doctorates describe cases in which other institutions besides the University of Rostock are involved. This includes dissertations with
- other universities,
- non-university research institutions,
- companies,
- colleges,
- with international partner institutions (also in the form of Cotutelle de thèse) or
- other forms of external, possibly extra-occupational doctorates with external cooperation partners.
The right to aware doctorates lies with the faculties of the University of Rostock. The rules for cooperative doctoral procedures at the University of Rostock are laid down in the doctoral degree regulations and possibly in conjunction with a cooperation agreement at the beginning of a doctorate. The legal department of the University of Rostock will provide a sample contract template upon request. The doctorate is scientifically supervised by a professor of the university and by a representative in the non-university institution. Prerequisite for the implementation of a doctoral project is a supervision commitment at the beginning of the doctorate.
At the University of Rostock it is possible to obtain the doctorate as part of a Cotutelle de thèse-procedure. In the case of a Cotutelle de thèse procedure, the doctorate is supervised and evaluated collectively by two universities from two countries. Cotutelle, however, does not mean that two doctoral degrees are awarded, but refers to the dual care (co-tutelle = co-tutor). For each Cotutelle de thèse procedure, the conclusion of a cooperation agreement between the University of Rostock, the partner university and the doctoral researcher is required to conduct a joint doctoral procedure; In addition, such a binational doctoral procedure must be expressly provided for in the doctoral degree regulations of the respective faculty. The doctoral degree is subject to the doctoral degree regulations of the respective faculty, at which the doctoral degree is professionally based. The initiation of a Cotutelle de thèse procedure is the responsibility of the respective faculty. The legal department of the University of Rostock will provide a sample contract template upon request. In some cases, individual templates are provided at individual faculties (including the Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences).
Doctoral candidates are hired as scientific staff at the University of Rostock and non-university research institutions. Financing is provided through an budget or third-party funds for a qualification position, which is usually limited in time and mainly in the form of a part-time position. The doctoral candidate is a member of the University of Rostock for the existence of an employment relationship (Grundordnung of the University of Rostock). Members of the University can use the services of the University facilities (including the IT and Media Center and the Rostock University Library, FIT information system) free of charge. With regard to parallel enrolment as a doctoral candidate, the regulations in the respective doctoral degree regulations must be observed. In any case, at the beginning of the doctorate, the form "Registration of doctoral candidates" for data collection in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Statistics Act must be completed and sent to the Graduate Academy.
The doctorate can be funded by granting a scholarship through a third party. In the case of a scholarship, the affiliation of the scholarship holder to the University of Rostock is achieved by enrolling as a doctoral candidate. Enrolment as a doctoral candidate is recommended for scholarship holders because enrolled doctoral candidates are insured against accidents through the University of Rostock. Further information on social security for doctoral candidates is available in the guidebook "Sozialversicherung für Promovierende" (Social Security for Doctoral Candidates) by the GEW (Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft). In any case, at the beginning of the doctorate, the form "Registration of doctoral candidates" for data collection in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Statistics Act must be completed and sent to the Graduate Academy with the supervision confirmation.
With regard to enrollment as a doctoral candidate, the regulation of the respective doctoral degree regulations must be observed. Regardless of the regulations within the doctoral degree regulations, all doctoral candidates can enroll voluntarily as a doctoral candidate. By obtaining this status, the doctoral candidate is a member of the University of Rostock. All doctoral candidates with no employment relationship with the University of Rostock can become members of the University of Rostock by enrolling as a doctoral candidate. Like scientific staff, enrolled doctoral candidates also belong to the status group of academic staff members. Members of the university can use the services of the university facilities (including the IT and media centre and the Rostock University Library, FIT information system) free of charge. In preparation for enrollment, the form "Registration of doctoral candidates" for data collection in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Statistics Act must be completed and sent to the Graduate Academy with the supervision confirmation.
- In the University Medicine, an applicant may be provisionally admitted to the doctoral program if the final stage of the medical examination is not yet available, the conditions for admission are otherwise fulfilled. These candidates will remain enrolled as students during this phase.
- Doctoral candidates who do not live in Rostock can have the part of the semester fee that is intended for the semester ticket (local public transport) reimbursed afterwards. To do this, you need to submit the semester ticket to the AStA: buero.astauni-rostockde.
With regard to enrollment as a doctoral candidate, the regulation of the respective doctoral degree regulations must be noted. If an enrollment is not intended, the "Registration of doctoral candidates" form must be completed for data collection in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Statistics Act and sent to the Graduate Academy.
Determine framework conditions ...
At the beginning of the doctoral project, it makes sense to read the doctoral degree regulations of the responsible faculty. Among other things, the admission requirements are set in the doctoral degree regulations.
The doctoral theme is usually closely related to the subject orientation of the study. Based on one's own interests, it is important to find a question that, according to one's own assessment, could not yet be adequately answered in research and that arouses the interest of a professor in the supervision of a corresponding dissertation.
The dissertation topic as well as the supervision are technically closely related. Prerequisite for the implementation of a PhD project is a caring commitment. Without supervisor - no doctorate! As a supervisor, professors, junior professors, habilitated scientists, who are members of the University of Rostock, can act as supervisors. In individual cases, the Faculty Council may, upon application, accept post-doctoral scholars as supervisors who are particularly identifiable through their publications and independently conducted research projects.
Information on the research topics of the individual faculties / professorships can be found on their websites or the central websites of the individual faculties. In addition, doctoral programs and completed doctoral theses can also be searched via the research database of the University of Rostock.
It is useful to get in contact with the scientist early on, even before the university degree has been completed, because in a next step, independent of the topic selection and the caring commitment, fundamental questions and financing options must be agreed in a personal interview. In principle, there is no financial support or employment at the University of Rostock when taking on care. Depending on the type of funding (academic staff, scholarship), applications from third-party funding agencies and foundations are often required, the preparation and processing of which can take several months. This circumstance should be considered in personal scheduling.
At the same time, there is the possibility of applying for a job at the University of Rostock to a so-called qualification position, e.g. to promote doctoral positions in Research Training Groups and Research Projects. The dissertation topic and the supervisor are already confirmed in this case.
In the case of advertised vacant doctoral positions in research projects, graduate programs or similar, the financing is already cleared and runs usually via a position for qualification for scientific staff.
If an individual doctorate is initiated, the funding question is often still open and requires intensive research and coordination between the doctoral researcher and the supervisor. A number of databases is available on the internet to help with search of funding options (for example, More information and advice can be found on the web pages of the Graduate Academy.
All doctoral candidates have to be registered as "doctoral candidates of the University of Rostock" after receiving the confirmation of supervision. For this purpose, the form "Registration of doctoral candidates" - section A, must be completed. One copy of the registration form must be sent to the Graduate Academy.
Supervisors of the University of Rostock are obliged to declare the supervision of a doctoral project at the beginning of the supervisory relationship. For this purpose, the form "Registration of doctoral candidates" - section B must be completed.
Insofar as doctoral candidates enroll as doctoral candidate at the University of Rostock, the Student Secretariat also receives a copy of the form "Registration of doctoral candidates"
A supervision agreement, the signing of which is strongly recommended, goes beyond the supervision commitment in the context of the registration of doctoral candidates and regulates the relationship between doctoral candidate and supervisor for the duration of the doctoral project. The German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) (DFG) has prepared recommendations for the creation of supervision arrangements. The Graduate Academy of the University of Rostock provides an template for a supervision agreement based on the DFG recommendations as part of a membership application. Some of the individual faculties have their own templates (Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Humanities).
Regarding the enrollment as doctoral candidate, the respective regulations of the doctoral degree regulations must be observed.
After you have a doctoral thesis topic and a supervisor at the University of Rostock, you can enroll at the Students´ Registration Office (Studierendensekretariat) at any time - regardless of the doctoral phase and the doctoral program - as a doctoral candidate. If a official attestation form is required for the documents to be submitted as part of the enrollment as a doctoral candidate or admission to the doctorate, please note the information provided by the Student Service Center.
With the status of a doctoral candidate you will gain some advantages for you, such as the use of the semester ticket for local transport within Rostock, the Kulturticket, the representation of your interests as a doctoral student in the group of academic employees or the representation in the Boards of the Universität Rostock. You have the possibility to apply for the membership of the Graduate Academy, to receive specific information by e-mail on topics and events relevant for the doctorate or to grant discounts for students.
Of particular importance, however, is the enrollment for scholarship holders. By obtaining the status of a doctoral candidate, the doctoral candidate is covered by accident insurance via the University of Rostock. The guidebook "Social insurance für Doctorates" is available through the Union of Education and Science (GEW).
Doctoral candidates who do not live in Rostock can have the part of the semester fee that is intended for the semester ticket (local public transport) reimbursed afterwards. To do this, you need to submit the semester ticket to the AStA: buero.astauni-rostockde.
Information of the Students´ Registration Office Information of the Students´ Registration Office for international doctoral candidates
As a rule, doctoral candidates must apply to the relevant faculty for admission to the doctorate! The requirements and the procedure are laid down in the doctoral degree regulations of the faculties. The application for admission is independent of the supervision commitment, the enrollment as a doctoral candidate or the conclusion of a supervision agreement.
Requirement for the completion of a doctorate is the existence of a university degree (Diploma, Master, Master or equivalent degree). In individual cases (non-specialist, international degrees, university of applied sciences degrees) special regulations must be observed. The existence of language skills may also be required for the doctorate, depending on the desired academic degree. The fulfillment of the doctoral requirements is formally examined by the application for admission to the doctorate. Under certain circumstances, admission to a doctorate may be subject to compliance with conditions. With the acceptance of the application, the faculty agrees to the doctoral project.
The application for admission to the doctorate can be submitted at any time during the doctoral phase. In order to receive the commitment for the implementation of the doctoral project also from the faculty, an early application is useful. In particular, doctoral candidates who have completed their studies at a university outside of Germany are advised to apply for the formal examination of the admission requirements for doctoral candidates at an early stage.
The Graduate Academy is the central service facility and coordination center for early-career researchers and supports doctoral candidates and PostDocs in the context of their qualification primarily with a trans-professional qualification program and offers their members a wide variety of opportunities for professional and interdisciplinary networking.
Another aim of the funding opportunities is to support scientific exchange as well as the presentation of research results on national and international scientific conferences.
Doctoral candidates and PostDocs of the University of Rostock can apply for the Graduate Academy's membership.
At the International Welcome Center international doctoral candidates and visiting scholars will find information on various issues such as working permits, immigration law and language courses. Support is provided for filling in forms and looking for accommodation.
Work on your doctorate ...
During the qualification phase, uncertainties regarding the principles of good scientific practice and their correct observance can arise. It is well-known that plagiarism, intellectual theft, as well as the fabrication or falsification of research data are considered serious violations of these principles. However, there are also areas where the rules are more complex, and a gray area exists between compliance and violation.
To assist in identifying scientific misconduct and making the right decisions, the University of Rostock has developed a set of regulations. You can view the relevant rules here.
Furthermore, there are contact persons available to whom you can turn if you observe scientific misconduct or have become a victim yourself. Please do not hesitate to contact one of our ombudspersons directly in such cases. There are no rules for selecting an ombudsperson; all ombudspersons are equally available to all those seeking advice. Ombudspersons are responsible for investigating allegations of scientific misconduct and are bound by strict confidentiality. All reports are handled with the utmost discretion.
In order to open a doctoral procedure, various documents must be submitted to the central doctoral and post-doctoral office in accordance with the currently valid doctoral regulations.
For all faculties, the application for the opening of a doctoral procedure (Antrag auf Eröffnung eines Promotionsverfahrens) must be submitted to the central doctoral and post-doctoral office when the doctorate is submitted.
Please open the application with Adobe Acrobat.If you receive the error message 'Please wait ...' when opening the application, please use the button on the top right 'View with another application'. Choose 'Open with Adobe Acrobat (default)'.
Please note that you must be registered as a doctoral candidate before applying for an opening. Otherwise, please send the form "Registration of doctoral candidates" to the Graduate Academy of the University of Rostock.
The instruction sheets (in German) contain important and helpful information on the preparation of scientific work, the opening of the doctoral procedure, the doctoral areas and other topics relevant to the doctoral studies.
- Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
- Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Humanities
- Theological Faculty
- University Medicine Rostock
- Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
In order to ensure that defences of doctoral theses can also be carried out during the period of the ban on contact, it is possible to hold them via video conference until the resumption of presence. In order to ensure the quality standards applicable here, the Rectorate established the following framework conditions for online defences of doctoral theses on 21 April 2021.
Guide to performing online defenses
According to the mandatory copy order (Pflichtexemplarordnung der Universität Rostock) of the University of Rostock (Official Announcement No. 2/2008), doctoral theses must be made accessible to the scientific public and depositaries must be submitted to the University Library.
Important note: "In case of publishing the thesis without publisher´s or journal publication the select number of mandatory copies is to be handed over gratuitously to Rostock University Library within for weeks after the decision of the Faculty Council about the receipt of the doctoral degree or the habilitation." (§ 2 (1))
The options for publication and submission are described in detail here. Please open the online submission form for the chosen option and follow the procedure given there.
In exceptional cases, e.g. when patent applications are pending, exemptions are possible. This requires the approval of the faculty awarding the academic degree of doctorate.
In order to be applicable abroad, as a rule, a prior legalization of the doctoral degree certificate by a diplomatic or consular mission of the corresponding state is necessary. The Ministry of the Interior and Europe M-V (Ministerium für Inneres und Europa) is in charge of the authentication of public certificates from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern that are meant to be used abroad and of issuing the "Hague Apostille". The authentication of certificates by the Ministry of the Interior and Europe M-V is a fee-based service (information on the costs can be found in the MV-Serviceportal).
Before the authentication or issuing of an apostille by the Ministry of the Interior and Europe M-V, the doctoral degree certificate must have received a prior authentication by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur). This service is free of charge.
1. Contact details for prior authentication:
Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Referat 300
Werderstraße 124
19048 Schwerin
Nicole Becker
Tel.: 0385 588-7303
2. Contact details for final authentication:
Ministerium für Inneres und Europa Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Allgemeines Ordnungsrecht, Hoheitsrecht, Glücksspielwesen, Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht
Alexandrinenstraße 1
19055 Schwerin
Jeannette Klinder
Telefon: 0385 - 588 2215
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Lakner - Dr. agr.
Tel.:+49 (0) 381 498-3260
Prof. Dr. Henning Bombeck - Dr.-Ing.
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-3280
Prof. Dr. Lijun Cai - ET
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-7120
Prof. Dr. Adelinde Uhrmacher - IN
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-7610
Prof. Dr. Jörg Benedict
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-8000
Institute of Biosciences
Prof. Dr. Inna Sokolova
Secretary: Maren Bagrowski
Tel. +49(0) 381/498 6301
E-Mail: bio.promotionuni-rostockde
Institute of Chemistry
Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmermann
Secretary: Frau Christin Kühl
Tel.: +49 (0)381/498-6527
Institute of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Alexander Meister
Secretary: Solvejg Schweder
Tel.: +498 381 498-6552
Institute of Physics
Prof. Dr. Tobias Korn -
Secretary: Jelena Boldt
Tel.: +498 (381) 498-6781
Persons responsible for doctorate at the affiliated institutes
Prof. Detlef Schulz-Bull - Doctoral Officer for the IOW (Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde)
Office: Seestraße 15, 18119 Rostock
Tel.: +49 381 5197 - 310
Fax.: +498 381 5197 - 302
E-Mail: detlef.schulz-bullio-warnemuendede
Dr. Christian Hering-Junghans Doctoral Officer for LIKAT (Leibniz Institute for Catalysis e.V.)
Office: Albert-Einstein-Str. 29a, 18059 Rostock
Tel.: +49 381 1281 - 260
Fax.: +498 381 1281 - 5000
E-Mail: christian.hering-junghanscatalysisde
Dr. J. Federico Conte - Doctoral Officer for IAP (Leibniz Institute for Atmospheric Physics e.V.)
Office: Schlossstraße 6, 18225 Kühlungsborn
Tel.: +49 38293 680
Fax.: +498 38293 6850
E-Mail: infoiap-kbornde
Prof. Dr. Manuela Sander
Tel.: +49 0381 498 9340
Prof. Dr. Nikola Hömke
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-2781
Prof. Dr. Soham Al-Suadi
Tel.: +49 (0) 498-8401
Prof. Dr. med. Timo Kirschstein
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 494-8037
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Doblhammer-Reiter
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-4393
Prof. Dr. Michael Rauscher
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-4310
Academic Self-Governance (D 1.2)
Gundula Rogge
responsible staff member
Universitätsplatz 1 | Room 227
18055 Rostock
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-1206
Fax.: +49 (0) 381 498118-1206
The central doctorate and post-doctorate office can currently only be reached by e-mail. There are no office hours on site.
The ombudspersons are responsible for investigating allegations of scientific misconduct and are subject to strict confidentiality. All reports are handled with the utmost discretion.
Corina Reinheckel
Universitätsplatz 1 | Room 127
18055 Rostock
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-1022
- Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
- Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Marine Technology
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
- Faculty of Humanities
- Theological Faculty
- University Medicine Rostock
- Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences
The academic researchers of the University of Rostock are obliged to document the supervision of a doctoral project at the beginning of the supervision relationship with the form "Confirmation of supervision of doctoral candidates". As soon as doctoral candidates enrolled at the University of Rostock at the beginning of their supervision, the data to be collected for the Higher Education Statistics Act will be collected by the students´ office upon enrolment.
If enrolment is not wanted, the "Registration of doctoral candidates" form must be completed for data collection in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Education Statistics Act and sent to the Graduate Academy.
- Guideline for the doctoral procedure of the MNF
- Notes on the application and the implementation of the doctoral procedure
- Application for admission as a doctoral candidate
- Declaration in accordance with § 4 of the doctoral degree regulations
- Internal procedural guideline for a cumulative doctoral thesis
- Internal procedural guideline for the establishment of the doctoral committee
- Doctoral fields of the MNF
- Doctorate completions of the last years
- Notes on the application and the implementation of the doctoral procedure
- Application for admission and registration as a doctoral candidate
- Supervision agreement for a doctoral thesis
- Guideline for the imposition of conditions (currently undergoing revision)
- Doctoral fields of the Faculty of Humanities
- Formal declaration (of independent authorship of the doctoral thesis)
- Cooperation agreement for a binational doctoral procedure (Cotutelle)
- Application for the opening of a doctoral procedure
- Guidelines for the realisation of online defences
- Labour agreement on an academic contract arrangement of scientific staff
- Recommendations on the creation of supervision agreements
- Registration of doctoral candidates in accordance with §5 HStatG
- Management guidelines of the University of Rostock
- GEW manual „Social insurance for doctoral candidates”
- Sample for the supervision commitment of the Graduate Academy
- Form for proof of supervision of doctoral candidates for the enrollment
- Regulation of deposit copies of the University of Rostock
- Rules for ensuring good scientific practice and the avoidance of scientific misconduct at the University of Rostock
Wenke Friske-Saß
Academic Self-Governance (D1.2)
Head of division
Universitätsplatz 1 | Raum 225
18055 Rostock
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-1203
Fax.: +49 (0) 381 498118-1203
Corina Reinheckel
Head of the Graduate Academy
Universitätsplatz 1 | Room 127
18055 Rostock
Tel.: +49 (0) 381 498-1022
Fax.: +49 (0) 381 498118-1022