CTNR Lecture Series: "The role of chronic brain sensing technology for individualized deep brain stimulation therapy"

next Wednesday, 2.2.2022, at 15:00, Prof. Dr. Andrea Kühn, Head of Movement Disorders and Neuromodulation Section, Charité Berlin, holds a lecture on The role of chronic brain sensing technology for individualized deep brain stimulation therapy. The lecture is hosted by the SFB 1270 ELAINE projects C04 and IRTG (Prof. Storch).


Abstract: Adaptive deep brain stimulation (aDBS) is a promising concept for feedback-based neurostimulation, with the potential of clinical implementation with the novel, sensing-enabled Percept neurostimulator. We have characterized chronic electrophysiological deep brain recordings during medication and stimulation in patients with Parkinson’s disease and dystonia. In my presentation, I will give an overview on latest findings on biomarkers for motor performance such as beta or theta band activity. Moreover, I will discuss current techniques for chronic brain sensing and its use for therapy optimization in clinical practice.


Zoom link: https://uni-rostock-de.zoom.us/j/62868729901?pwd=bnZGQ292eUcvZzdKUm9WcDhVclpLZz09

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