Präsenzzeit: 14:15 - 14:55 Uhr
Poster-Nr. | Postertitel / Poster title | Anmeldung durch ... / Registration by ... |
B37 | Direct ink writing of highly loaded polycaprolactone-barium titanate/bioactive glass composites for osteochondral tissue engineering | Philip Barkow |
B38 | Investigating the nanomorphology of neuronal cells using scanning ion conductivity microscopy | Franziska Dorn |
B39 | Investigation of a Boundary Element Formulation for Simulation of Electrical Impedance Tomography with Current Electrodes | Paula Respondek |
B40 | Gait analysis in the 6-hydroxydopamine hemiparkinson rat model with deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus | Meike Statz |
B41 | Neuartiger Ansatz zur Optimierung des „Minced Cartilage"-Verfahrens: Knorpelrekonstruktion mittels Hydrogelen | Dr. Janine Waletzko-Hellwig |
B42 | Detektion der Lockerung von Hüftendoprothesen-Stielen mittels mechanischer Anregung und Aufnahme von Vibrationen direkt am Implantat | Franziska Geiger |
B43 | A potential field approach to determine the joint kinematics of a human upper extremity | Iman Soodmand |
B44 | Nachwuchsgruppe “Nachhaltige Chemie/Sustainable Chemistry” | Dr. Dirk Hollmann |
B45 | Cell2Green GmbH - a Chemistry Start-up of the University of Rostock | Dr. Dirk Hollmann |
B46 | RoHan DAAD SDG Graduate School “Catalysis as Key towards Sustainable Ressource Management” | Dr. Dirk Hollmann |
B47 | Weddell sea observatory of biodiversity and ecosystem change (wobec) | Dr. Heike Link |
B48 | Interdisziplinäre Küsten- und Meeresforschung am Department Maritime Systeme | Dr. Heike Link |
B49 | Expressive Gründe. Religiöse Rede als Begründungspraxis untersuchen | Dr. Alexander Dietz |
B50 | Department LL&M | Dr. Susanne Radloff |
B51 | Academics dream big, citizens just click: Citizens' Preferences in Participatory Budgeting Processes | Hans-Henning Schult |
B52 | Bestimmung der Brechungsindices von Hydrogelen mittels eines lasergeschriebenen Mach-Zehnder-Interferometers | Johannes Schnegas |
B53 | High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry - A Versatile Toolbox for Complex Mixture Analysis | Dr. Christopher Rüger |
B54 | Harmonising EEG biosignals contaminated with batch effects from multiple sites | João Saraiva |
B55 | Application of Nanofiltration for the Removal of Homogenous Catalysts from Reaction Mixtures | Henrik Schröter |
B56 | The relationship between sleep and cognitive function on mortality in old age - A longitudinal study based on the NAKO Health Study | Helene Schulz |
B57 | 3D Object Detection Underwater from Sonar Scans in Data-Limited Scenarios | Salman Shaukat |
B58 | Etablierung eines ex vivo Organmodells der humanen Eihaut | Dr. Katharina Sterenczak |
B59 | Studienorientierung verbessert die Abschlussquote im Hochschulstudium - zeitvergleichende Tests für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | Dr. Benjamin Strohner |
B60 | Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses of Machine Learning Models using Data Mining | Tom Siegl |
B61 | Predicting antifouling-paint particle contamination in marine sediment using machine learning based on 16S microbial community data | Dr. Alexander Tagg |
B62 | Food preservatives as potential formaldehyde substitutes: effects of lactic acid on the microscopic scale | Dr. Marzia Venuto |
B63 | Nature-based wellness tourism – a new concept for sustainable development of the SBA | Berit Wader |
B64 | Magnetic field imaging on the nanoscale | Paul Weinbrenner |
B65 | Implementation of Nanopore Sequencing for Detection of Treatment-Induced Transcriptomic and Epitranscriptomic Changes in Leukemic Tumor Models | Sophia Wendt |
B66 | Flow characterization in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacements using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Machine Learning Approach to overcome Artifacts | Wiebke Wollenberg |
B67 | Disease-based Phenotypical Gene Priorization | Anja Wolpers |
B68 | AMBeR - Avanced Modeling of Baltic Cancer E-Care | Kathrin Thiel |
B69 | Department "Wissen - Kultur - Transformation" | Inga Bork |
B70 | Simulation-based Optimum Design for Safe and Reliable Operation of Industrial-scale Hydrogen Electrolyzer | Chu Xu |
B71 | The Effect of Hydrogen on Model Lubricants from Multi-Phase Molecular Dynamics Simulations | Kyrylo Yeromin |
B72 | Enhanced in vitro endothelialization for artificial vessels through laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPPS) and microstructures | Lucas Tetzlaff |