POSTER INF                        



Präsenzzeit: 14:15 - 14:55 Uhr

Poster-Nr. Postertitel / Poster title Anmeldung durch ... / Registration by ...
B37 Direct ink writing of highly loaded polycaprolactone-barium titanate/bioactive glass composites for osteochondral tissue engineering Philip Barkow
B38 Investigating the nanomorphology of neuronal cells using scanning ion conductivity microscopy Franziska Dorn
B39 Investigation of a Boundary Element Formulation for Simulation of Electrical Impedance Tomography with Current Electrodes Paula Respondek
B40 Gait analysis in the 6-hydroxydopamine hemiparkinson rat model with deep brain stimulation in the subthalamic nucleus Meike Statz
B41 Neuartiger Ansatz zur Optimierung des „Minced Cartilage"-Verfahrens: Knorpelrekonstruktion mittels Hydrogelen Dr. Janine Waletzko-Hellwig
B42 Detektion der Lockerung von Hüftendoprothesen-Stielen mittels mechanischer Anregung und Aufnahme von Vibrationen direkt am Implantat Franziska Geiger
B43 A potential field approach to determine the joint kinematics of a human upper extremity Iman Soodmand
B44 Nachwuchsgruppe “Nachhaltige Chemie/Sustainable Chemistry” Dr. Dirk Hollmann
B45 Cell2Green GmbH - a Chemistry Start-up of the University of Rostock Dr. Dirk Hollmann
B46 RoHan DAAD SDG Graduate School “Catalysis as Key towards Sustainable Ressource Management” Dr. Dirk Hollmann
B47 Weddell sea observatory of biodiversity and ecosystem change (wobec) Dr. Heike Link
B48 Interdisziplinäre Küsten- und Meeresforschung am Department Maritime Systeme Dr. Heike Link
B49 Expressive Gründe. Religiöse Rede als Begründungspraxis untersuchen Dr. Alexander Dietz
B50 Department LL&M Dr. Susanne Radloff
B51 Academics dream big, citizens just click: Citizens' Preferences in Participatory Budgeting Processes Hans-Henning Schult
B52 Bestimmung der Brechungsindices von Hydrogelen mittels eines lasergeschriebenen Mach-Zehnder-Interferometers Johannes Schnegas
B53 High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry - A Versatile Toolbox for Complex Mixture Analysis Dr. Christopher Rüger
B54 Harmonising EEG biosignals contaminated with batch effects from multiple sites João Saraiva
B55 Application of Nanofiltration for the Removal of Homogenous Catalysts from Reaction Mixtures Henrik Schröter
B56 The relationship between sleep and cognitive function on mortality in old age - A longitudinal study based on the NAKO Health Study Helene Schulz
B57 3D Object Detection Underwater from Sonar Scans in Data-Limited Scenarios Salman Shaukat
B58 Etablierung eines ex vivo Organmodells der humanen Eihaut Dr. Katharina Sterenczak
B59 Studienorientierung verbessert die Abschlussquote im Hochschulstudium - zeitvergleichende Tests für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Dr. Benjamin Strohner
B60 Understanding Strengths and Weaknesses of Machine Learning Models using Data Mining Tom Siegl
B61 Predicting antifouling-paint particle contamination in marine sediment using machine learning based on 16S microbial community data Dr. Alexander Tagg
B62 Food preservatives as potential formaldehyde substitutes: effects of lactic acid on the microscopic scale Dr. Marzia Venuto
B63 Nature-based wellness tourism – a new concept for sustainable development of the SBA Berit Wader
B64 Magnetic field imaging on the nanoscale Paul Weinbrenner
B65 Implementation of Nanopore Sequencing for Detection of Treatment-Induced Transcriptomic and Epitranscriptomic Changes in Leukemic Tumor Models Sophia Wendt
B66 Flow characterization in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacements using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Machine Learning Approach to overcome Artifacts Wiebke Wollenberg
B67 Disease-based Phenotypical Gene Priorization Anja Wolpers
B68 AMBeR - Avanced Modeling of Baltic Cancer E-Care Kathrin Thiel
B69 Department "Wissen - Kultur - Transformation" Inga Bork
B70 Simulation-based Optimum Design for Safe and Reliable Operation of Industrial-scale Hydrogen Electrolyzer Chu Xu
B71 The Effect of Hydrogen on Model Lubricants from Multi-Phase Molecular Dynamics Simulations Kyrylo Yeromin
B72 Enhanced in vitro endothelialization for artificial vessels through laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPPS) and microstructures Lucas Tetzlaff

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