Präsenzzeit: 14:40 - 15:20 Uhr

Poster-Nr. Postertitel / Poster title Anmeldung durch ... / Registration by ...
A1 Power cycling of IGBTs – how long live the switch? Tobias Heise
A2 Histological Findings of Human Cadaveric Ear with Inserted Inner Ear Catheter Dana Dohr
A3 Implantable Thermoelectric Generator with High Aspect Ratio Thermolegs and Integrated Voltage Converter Yongchen Rao
A4 Quantification of hydrogen bond strength in a carboxyl-functionalized ionic liquid Lasse Hunger
A5 Adaptive temporary scaffolds for vascular intervention in congenital heart disease Nicklas Fiedler
A6 Piezoelectric and bioactive composites: Functional materials for bone tissue engineering Christian Polley
A7 A global multi-trace formulation for quasi-electrostatic, composite problems in bio-medical applications Paula Respondek
A8 Aufbau eines Datenintegrationszentrums an der Universitätsmedizin Rostock (NUM-DIZ) Petra Gröber
A9 Probabilistic Digital Twin of the Ocean Maximilian Popko
A10 Investigating dynamical properties of electrolyte systems by means of NMR relaxometry Lennart Kruse
A11 Diagnose der knöchernen Integration des Hüftimplantates mittels akustischen Methoden Franziska Geiger
A12 Interface interactions: microstructures of cells; oder "Der Mikrokosmos aus dem Institut für Zellbiologie" Dr. Susanne Stählke
A13 Forschungsdatenmanagement?! – Offene und reproduzierbare Forschung durch gutes Datenmanagement in Rostock Max Schröder
A14 Predictors of non-attendance at the first follow-up and poor visual outcome after pediatric cataract surgery in Kinshasa for the years 2001-2021 Helene Schulz
A15 CombiDiag: Early-Stage Diagnosis of Alzheimer's João Saraiva
A16 Feeling at home abroad - Where people with experience of migration feel at home in Germany - using the example of kindergarten teachers. An empirical study based on reflexive Grounded Theory. Anna Hanf
A17 Underwater 3D Object Detection Salman Shaukat
A18 Like-charge attraction in Ionic Liquids: A Far-Infrared Spectroscopy Study Lena Möhring
A19 Kommunikation und Interaktion in hybrid-organisierten Lehr-/ Lernformen Regina Trittin
A20 Understanding the Nano-Scale Dynamics of Water Glycerol Mixtures Marcel Brandt
A21 Comedy, ideology, translation Dr. José Manuel Blanco Mayor
A22 Forschungsgruppe "Nachhaltige Chemie" Dr. Dirk Hollmann
A23 Cell2Green – Die Verpackungslösung der Zukunft (Ausgründung aus der Uni Rostock) Dr. Dirk Hollmann
A24 RoHan DAAD SDG Graduate School “Catalysis as Key towards Sustainable Ressource Management” Dr. Dirk Hollmann
A25 Bewertung der Leckagerate von Transkatheter-Aortenklappenprothesen in virtuellen Patienten Laura Supp
A26 Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst. Dr. Carsten Tautorat
A27 Research Training Group (RTG) SPECtroscopic Tools for challenging REduction reactions - Catalytic coupling of CO2 (SPECTRE) Prof. Dr. Ralf Ludwig

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