Baltische Sommerschule Technische Informatik - BaSoTI 2012 in Tartu, Estland

Venue University of Tartu, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Institute of Computer Science, J. Liivi 2, 50409 Tartu, Estonia
Target Group Students and professionals in the field of informatics, computer science or electrical engineering
Fees None!
Summer School 28th of July to 12th of August, 2012
Deadline for BaSoTI application 6th of June, 2012
Infomation to successful applicants 8th of June, 2012
Availability of lecture materials 8th of July, 2012
Deadline for conference papers 8th of June, 2012


Social events


  • Bachelor's Degree in informatics, computer science or electrical engineering
  • Certified good knowledge of english language