Baltische Sommerschule Technische Informatik - BaSoTI 2016 in Tallinn, Estland

Venue University Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Mektory, Raja 15, 12618 Tallinn, Estonia
Target Group Students and professionals in the field of informatics, computer science or electrical engineering
Fees None!
Summer School 25th of July to 7th of August, 2016
Deadline for BaSoTI application 1st of June, 2016
Infomation to successful applicants 15th of June, 2016
Availability of lecture materials 1st of June, 2016
Deadline for conference papers 15th of May, 2016


The Summer School lasts 14 days and contains six special modules with corresponding tutorials, one module "Academic Presentation" (German or English) plus induvidual research und studies for the module "Academic Writing" with a total amount of 8 credits. Credits are allocated based on students workload (ECTS).

The Summer School ends with a final exam. Upon successful completion of the courses, a certificate, which confirms the ECTS-credits earned as well as the grade, is awarded.

The certificate is signed by all lecturers and includes a detailed description of the content and number of the courses attended.

  • Lectures in special areas of informatics (in English)
  • Tutorials related to the contents of the lectures
  • Practical work
  • Language training for talk and presentation (optional in English or German)
  • Introduction in academic writing
  • Attendance in Young Scientists Conference
  • Visit of the Estonian Forensic Science Institute (EFSI)
  • Evening talk with staff menbers of the IT Company
  • Alumni meeting
  • Excursions
  • Leisure activities and social events


  • Bachelor's Degree in informatics, computer science or electrical engineering
  • Certified good knowledge of english language


Baltic Young Scientists Conference and Alumni Workshops

Since 2007 the BaSoTI includes a scientific conference or workshop.

The conference starts on 1st of August in the morning and talks will be held until afternoon. It includes a social event together with the BaSoTI participants and alumni in the evening.

The conference is open for submissions of young researchers at all levels and from all countries. It is specifically directed at young academics and collaborators at the Universities of Luebeck, Bremen, Rostock, Wismar, Hamburg and Dresden, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the Kaunas Technical University, the Tallinn University of Technology, the University of Tartu and the Riga Technical University,

Some interesting workshops will be offered by former BaSoTI participants on the 2nd of August. All students are invited to take part and can choose one of the workshops.

Programme for Conference and Alumni Workshops

Documents or papers to hand in

  • Certificate of Examinations or Academic Transcript
  • Letter of Intent with a short argumentation of "Why will I participate in summer school"
  • Short Curriculum Vitae
  • Language Certificate for English or other proof of language knowledge
  • (optional) Letter of Recommendation

Local contact persons


Science Confederation IuK, Rostock
Project Coordinator: Dr. Christine Bräuning
Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. Clemens Cap

Further information

University of Rostock
Department of Computer Science

Dr. Christine Bräuning
Albert-Einstein-Str. 22, Room 364
D-18051 Rostock


Phone: +49 381 498 7660
Fax: +49 381 498 118 7660

Alumni Meeting

In order to stay in contact with former BaSoTI participants and organisers there will be an alumni meeting this year again. All BaSoTI 2016 participants are invited to join this meeting and the following social event. 

Date: 1st of August, 2016, 5 p.m.
Venue: University Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Mektory, Raja 15, 12618 Tallinn

Social event: IT Faculty Café, Tallinn University of Technology, Akadeemia tee 15A, 12618 Tallinn

Please register not later than the 15th of June 2016.

Registration for alumni meeting